
Top Ten Ways to Show the World You Respect Yourself

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10.  Forcing yourself into clothing that makes you feel uncomfortable about your body is not going to boost your self-esteem. Wear what makes you feel good about yourself and know that the clothes don’t make you, you make the clothes.

9.  Have you ever been walking down the street or hallway and heard someone say something to you that was disrespectful or insulting? Don’t tolerate it. If you are in a safe situation, make sure the person knows that you are not to be treated like that.

8.  Here is a quick and easy way of boosting your own self-confidence and the self-confidence of those around you: don’t put yourself or others down. Doesn’t it feel nice to simultaneously respect yourself and make someone else’s day?

7.  Never allow yourself to be used in a sexually degrading way. Wouldn’t it feel better to be treated like a person and not a sex object? Demanding that other people treat you the way you want to be treated is the ultimate act of self-respect.

6.  You know your friends are cool people, right? So, don’t let them talk negatively about themselves. Increase positivity within your crew and everyone benefits.

5.  You’re more than just a pretty face, so don’t use the way you look to impress people. Use your intelligence and personality to reveal your inner character and gain respect from the world for who you really are inside.

4.  Be yourself! If you’re trying to please others all the time you’ll never be who you are. You’ll never have to feel like you see the world through another person’s eyes.

3.  Be healthy, eat well, exercise, and always make time for yourself. You’ll feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally. Others will notice you’re more energetic and that you’ve gained confidence!

2.  Did you ever have the urge to hide what you think about something, worried what others will say? Don’t let others determine how you think about things. Speak your mind and you’ll encourage others to express themselves, too!

1.  You’re MAD cool, so learn to accept compliments cheerfully. Isn’t it great to hear something good about yourself? And now that you are treating yourself with respect you can see that it is true.

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Feature Editor: Tina R. Colbert, 16; Massachusetts 

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